Wednesday, August 31, 2011

God you are good

It's so incredible to see God at work here at The University of Mobile. This is a very short post but I just want to say continue to pray that God will provide. I fully trust He will and that I will just completely seek after His will.. God you are good and worthy of all of my praise.

Friday, July 15, 2011


It's been awhile since I have updated and this is going to be a short post. Everything is going great! God is teaching me new things every day and I a having a blast. We stay bus and that's why I haven't been able to update. I will soon though. If yo want to see what's been going on at camp please click on the link and look at the incredible photos. Love you all and miss you.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Week one... well almost

I am just going to summarize what I typed for the past two hours before my blog deleted my post. It has been an incredible week of learning the true beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ and being able to work alongside a team that I can truly call my family. I would say everything that I said earlier again but I don't think I can retype what the Lord was speaking through me again because it was Him speaking through me not me speaking at all. We officially start camp this Monday in Moss Point, Mississippi. I can't wait to see how God uses us. Please be praying for all that He has in store. I will post again later this week. Thanks for keeping up with me and how God is using me this summer.

Please pray for our team and that God would continue to use us as well as the children coming next week that we will be able to minister them in a great way. Also I ask that you pray for good health as well as well as encouragement.

May God be glorified in everything I do and say this week. Lord you never cease to amaze me.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hey from Staff Training!

                The journey has begun here at staff training and it's going incredible. God has been teaching me so many things this week. It has and still is super nice to be without a computer and cell phone this week. I will get all communication tools back on Thursday. I would like to ask that you continue to pray for our team as we prepare to go minister to hundreds of kids in Moss Point Mississippi a week from today. I will be posting a more detailed blog post when I get my computer back. Hope everyone is well and thanks for all the love and support.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Here we go!

Here we go! Less than 8 hours now til I leave for the summer with WinShape Camps C3. I will be traveling over 5 states this summer and will be gone for 74 days. It is going to be an incredible adventure, and I can’t wait to share with each of you all that God does in my life during this summer. Please pray this week that I will trust in God to have everything work out. Also please pray for the WinShape staff. I will update again soon but until then. God Bless!

Friday, May 20, 2011

5 days away!

These past few weeks have been some of the most exciting, tough, and rewarding weeks of my life. From making incredible grades this semester at school to receiving many blessings that I cant explain all I can say is it's really incredible to seee God work.

The week of exams I was asked to come outside because a group of middle schoolers and parents at our church needed to "ask me me a question." Little did I know they had a trick up there sleeve. A few weeks prior to that I had been talking to my parents about getting an IPad for this summer because it would be so useful and well worth the investment but decided not to so I could save funding for school. Well you see that group that called me out didn't have a question for me but a gift. They handed me a box.... Now when I received this box I was thinking they had something silly in it but I opened it and within that box was another box which was wrapped. I opened that wrapped box and within it was an IPad 2 with a smart cover and a note that said; " Aaron thanks for all you do we love you." At the time I didn't know how to reply I was so overwhelmed and thankful for this gift. It's really cool to see how God works in incredible ways. I want to thank each and every one of them for this gift. Don't worry it will be used.

As I have been preparing for The University of Mobile I have been that God would supply the funding needed to go to school there because I know without a doubt in my mind that He wants me there. It's so incredible to see God work because He is supplying that funding needed in different ways. For instance I had someone tell me they are paying my textbooks and just different people giving money because they truly believe the Lord wants them to. I can honestly say this always brings tears to my eyes because it's so incredible to see God provide. Now I haven't reached my goal yet on what I will need but I am honestly not worried and trusting that our cretor will supply all of my needs according to His plan.

This past Wednesday was my going away party at RidgeCrest. When I say that I am going away I don't mean forever. What I am saying is I am headed off to a mission field that God is sending me too and I will be returning. It was really incredible to see so many people come and just show love and wish me off to become the man that God has called me to be. If you know me you know that I truly have a heart for helping others and that I would give everything I had to see someone come to know Jesus. The past 11 years as a member at RidgeCrest and year and a half on staff have been such a blessing. I have learned so much from the adults, students, and children. Each of you have impacted my life in a way I will never forget because I love each and every one of you. At the party it was great to be able to say thanks for all that everyone has done for me. To my surprise the choir had raised money to help support me at college as well as many others had given money for my journey. When this happened I just lost it. To think all I was doing was my job being a follower of Christ and being a good steward of what He has entrusted me with. I can just say thank you from the bottum of my heart and that I cant even describe how much it means to me that you all have such giving, loving, encouraging hearts after the Lord.

WinShape Camps C3- 5 Days
The countdown is at less than a week now and I am prepaing for all that God had in store for this summer. I am so excited! I have been learning all the lessons, my skill, and all the music we will be doing at worship. I can honestly say I am pumped for what God has in store and can't wait to see His name lifted up above all others and lives chnaged, hearts made new seeing that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. This summer is going to be great!

Prayer Needs:
1.) Please pray for WinShape Camps (Staff,Campers,Communities)
2.) Please pray for me as I finish preparing everything for this summer and that I would stay encouraged in God's word.
3.) Pray for Physical Health
4.) Pray that the Holy Spirit would begin to prepare the hearts of the people in each of these communities.
5.) Traveling grace
6.) Growth of the Spiritual Seeds that will be planted

Thanks for everything!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Exam Week

I am planning to post a blog post updating on everything that has been going on the beginning of next week. It has been rather crazy with school finishing up and exams starting which is the reason behind me not posting much. I would like to ask this week if you would be in prayer for me as I take my exams and that everything I study and have prepared for will come to my memory. Pray for WinShape Camps C3 Blue Team and all that God has in store for this summer. Thanks for everyone that is following this blog and I look forward to posting an exciting post next week. Have a blessed week/weekend.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


             Today I felt that God wanted me to share something I wrote about a year ago. It talks about worship and what worship is and means.
            Sunday was incredible! God really moved at RidgeCrest during the Victory worship service and it was so wonderful to see all that he has done and continues to do.
            This week I ask that you pray for God to continue to teach me new things as well as to fully trust that He is going to supply all my needs. We serve a great God and He deserves all the praise!

            The dictionary defines worship as “reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.” Around the world, there are scores of religions and thousands of ways in which people worship. If we could observe all methods of worship, we would encounter practices that are intriguing, unique, beautiful, and at times, some that are altogether strange. But what is true worship? Matthew Champ says simply that, “Worship is worship.” I agree completely. As the Holy Spirit leads we worship freely in reverence and awe of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our worship may take many different forms.
            God loves it when we spend time with him, and he longs to see us grow in him. In John 4:24, Jesus tells his disciples: “true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” What did Jesus mean by this? He meant we must worship him above all things and with all that we are. “In spirit” means from the depths of who we are, through the bodies God has blessed us with, his temple to be used for his glory. “In truth” means we are called live by the God’s word, in supplication and prayer.
            Worship is something that comes from the heart: shouting, lifting hands, proclaiming the name of the Lord. However, in Romans 12:1 the apostle Paul explains worship in a deeper way. He encourages the church in Rome to partake in a form of worship that goes beyond singing or the lifting of hands. Paul says, “I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.” Worship, then, is not just certain actions we do but our entire lives.  As Paul says in another letter, “whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Many of us are guilty of seeing someone worshiping in a different way and immediately judging them, but we have remember: there are as many ways to worship as there are Crayola colors – not one is the same and each is beautiful in its time!
            Worship is not only for God, but also for us. Worship is the means by which God restores us when our souls become tired and weary. God fills us with his love and grace as we express our gratitude to him through praising and proclaiming His name. He reminds us of who we are and who he truly is - our Creator, the one who made you, me, and the entire universe. He’s marvelous and wonderful! The best way to grasp the true meaning of worship is to experience it for yourself – so I invite you to step in and open your eyes to glimpse eternity. You will never see life the same again. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time to Update

It has been way to long since I have updated so i have decided to post an update. God has taught me a bunch over the month of March and I plan to share it all in a post very soon. I ask that you pray for WinShape C3 Camps, UMobile, and for RidgeCrest Baptist Church. How can I pray for you guys? Have a great week!

Monday, February 28, 2011


               Sorry for waiting a month to update but life has been pretty crazy but full of many blessings.
                I was able to go to another Visit Day at The University of Mobile on February 4th with my dad. Let me just say going back I felt a peace that I was home and that I was where God wanted me to be. I have never been on a college campus that is so excited for the Lord and where everyone is trying to help and better their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. During my visit day I had scheduled an audition with the CPA. As I waited for my audition a student from the school stopped and asked if they could pray for me and pray that God would just use me and calm my nerves. Now I found this to be just incredible. How many times does a student at a university come up to someone and pray for them? Words can’t even express how much that meant to me. I sang for Dr. Breeland and Mr. Lovely played piano for me. As I finished my last song Dr. Breeland asked me to come to his office. He said so many encouraging things and in a way helped me see that God was using me. I was given a scholarship for the choir which was such a blessing. Praise God! After we talked I went to the concert with my dad which had all the choral groups at the school. It was incredible and let me just say the entire trip was well worth the visit.
                At the beginning of January my dad asked me to look into a camp that a friend had mentioned to Him called WinShape. His friend said that he thought it would be a perfect fit for what God is calling me to do. So after thinking about it I decided to go check out the camps website. For awhile I have known what WinShape is because I have worked at Chick-Fil-A. So after thinking and talking to my parents and my music minister I decided to apply knowing that if God wanted me to have the job then it would be provided and if He didn’t then I would still be able to work with the students and worship ministry at RidgeCrest. I was praying during all of this time that He would just send me to where he wanted me and I would go. After turning everything in and having a Skype interview a week later I received a phone call. Now I normally don’t answer phone calls but in this case I did. The person asked if I was Aaron Collier and I said yes and asked if I still was interested in the position as a worship leader at a WinShape C3 camp. Let me just say I was beyond excited and said yes. God is so good to supply so many awesome opportunities. I can’t wait for this summer and how God is going to use this camp and all of us to shine his light to students. I have started praying for each person I will come across and be working with. Even though I have yet to meet them they are still my brothers and sisters in Christ and it excites me to work with them.
                I was given the opportunity last week to go to a worship conference in Texas with my music minister at Gateway church. I really enjoy going to conferences because I learn so many incredible things about worship. God is so good and deserves all the praise and as I sat with 800 other worship leaders with the same goal and ready to praise God with their everything it is just incredible. I can honestly say God truly taught me a lot at this conference and I plan to continue to live to be more like Him and one day lead His people in worship. The conference was great and I am so blessed to be saved by God’s grace.
                Can I just say the month of February over all has been full of many blessings and surprises. God tells us in scripture that if we follow Him and leave everything behind He will reward us. This month He has done more than that He has reassured and comforted me with His plan. He deserves all the glory, honor, and praise.

Monday, January 24, 2011

I am 20..... WHAT?

                It has been a long time since I last posted and I am so sorry for that. I have been slammed packed with all kinds of things going on. Get ready, buckle up, and enjoy this long post.

                So exactly a week ago today marked the kick-off and ending of 180 weekend. This year I was blessed to have 6th grade boys. Now you’re probably thinking why would he want 6th grade boys? Well it wasn’t my first choice but it was God’s way of teaching me something incredible. Over the weekend we had loads of fun skits and even Justin Bieber came!!!! GASP! Ok… fine it was me. It was such a great time! The most important thing I learned over the weekend was patience and God taught me that I just have to be patient and wait on His timing and all He had in store for me. (Jeremiah 29:11) I was blessed with an incredible host home, and incredible students. I loved working with students because they have hearts that are ready to learn about Christ and always are interested in hearing new things each and every single day. The coolest thing that happened all weekend was on Sunday. We had a lot of great group time but on Sunday during the worship service I was given the opportunity to lead the song “Our God.” That song was song all weekend and to see over 130 middle school students singing their hearts out I really can’t explain. All I can say is I got to see God move in a unique way over the weekend and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. God is using the students of 180 weekend and its awesome! Not to mention the 40 day fast was incredible and I wouldn’t trade the time with the Lord for anything.

                Last Wednesday I called The University of Mobile to ask them a simple question about the Fall 2011 semester and when it began. As I spoke to my advisor I asked a few questions and then he said, “Aaron congratulations you have been accepted!” All that was rushing through my head was…. WHAT???? God taught me at 180 to be patient and the whole week I wasn’t worrying about the school and God just made everything work out. I am so excited for what God has planned for my life and I can barely hold back my excitement. Now I am fully trusting He will provide all the funding that I need to go to the school. It is so awesome to see how God works in His timing. It may seem stressful at times but if we fully rely and depend on Him then we wouldn’t be stressing or getting worried about the simple things.

                January 22nd 1991 the day I was born at midnight in the middle of a blizzard. Saturday was my 20th birthday. Little did I know that my friends, family, and church family had something up there sleeve. Paige, Hillery and Beverly  took me to eat at Chick-Fil-A. Then we went and ran some errands and ended back at the church. Now all week I have been asking my parents what we were doing for my birthday and didn’t get a single reply so it was kind of interesting to me. We got to the church and I saw the cars of a lot of people I knew. We walked into the gym and everyone screamed surprise! I didn’t know what to do… I was surprised even though it seemed like I knew I was surprised. Not only was it a great birthday it was greatest of all. I got to spend my birthday with friends, family, and my church family. What a blessing! I owe a big thank you to everyone that had something to do with the party. I also want to thank my parents and family that I love very much. I am so richly blessed to have a great church family at RidgeCrest and words can’t even begin to thank them all.

                As I leave behind my teenage years and move to adulthood I look back and think of all the incredible things God taught me. That also excites me to think about all that he is going to teach me here in the near future. I can't wait to look back again 20 years from now and just be amazed at how awesome and wonderful our God is and all that he continues to teach me.

                My prayer for this week is that God will continue to use me at RidgeCrest and that I will fully rely on Him and not stress and worry about the simple things because he is fully in control. I challenge everyone this week to spend 20 minutes just singing out praises to the Lord. If that means singing that you’re thankful for the food you have so be it. It is really cool to see how God can speak to us through the little things.

Have a great week! 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


                So as most of you I am sure have heard Mississippi pretty much shut down this past weekend for a winter storm. Now when I say winter storm your thinking like a foot or two of snow people stuck inside…… Yea that didn’t happen here. It makes me smile to think we all freak out over the little things. Snow is such a beautiful thing and yes it can be very dangerous but it also can be just a simple beautiful thing. I will say the one plus to the winter storm was no school on Monday the downfall is we cancelled church and I really enjoy being with my church family on Sunday’s, so that was much missed.

                180 weekend is this week and I am so pumped to see all that God has in store for the students here at the church. So I ask one thing of you this week and that is to pray for what God has planned for this weekend and that we will follow the Lord and His direction for us.

                I heard something today that really caught my attention. A child’s dad here at our church was telling me about his son opening his Bible one day and saying, “Dad there sure is a lot of blood in this Bible.” Now you’re probably thinking…. WHAT? He was talking about the verses in bold read but I was thinking to myself that is so beautiful because it is true. God sent His son to die on the cross for us and we are to live by His word. In my opinion God’s blood is all over the book because its His guideline for us and what he wants for us to do with our lives. I know the next time I see bold red words in my Bible I am going to thank God for all that he has done for me and rejoice that He has saved me from all of my sins.

                Finally I want to leave you with this question for today. Do you speak about God and all he has done instead of just thanking him all the time? 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thank you Lord!

                Last Friday I drove to Kentucky to meet my family there to see my Pappaw because he was doing really badly. I was walked in the door of their house and saw how small and weak he had gotten it broke my heart. I needed a second to just break down and cry so I did so. We returned back here late Sunday night in hopes that my Pappaw would get to the end of next week. Yesterday morning we received the call that he passed. I am so blessed to have been able to see him a few days before and tell him how much I loved him and got to see my entire family which was great. May God be praised for the 89 years that my Pappaw lived on this earth and all he meant to my family, the community of Grayson Kentucky, and for fighting for our freedom during the war. I love you Pappaw and I am proud to be your grandson. (Jim Collier 1921-2011)


                180 weekend is just one week away and I am so excited for all that God has in store. As it approaches the fast is slowly coming to an end and yet I am not really looking forward to that because it has been so great to spend all this extra time in prayer. I plan to continue a fast but in a unique way and that is praising and thanking God every time I see Him working and for all that He has done for me. For He alone deserves all of the praise.


                I started my spring semester at Holmes on Wednesday and I am so excited for the classes I have and the teachers that I have this semester they are all so nice and I am just really blessed. It has been so incredible all that God has taught me during this time at Holmes Community College and all of the great friends I have made as well as people I have been able to share the word with. My prayer for this semester is that God will continue to use me at the school and that many will come to know him.


                I woke up at 5 am this morning from a dream that I received an acceptance letter from UOM( I have not received this yet waiting on god’s timing). I never wake up that early as well rested as I did today and I now see why. So as I walked to my car outside at 6:15 to head to school that early I was wondering to myself what in the world am I doing? I went and picked up some breakfast and got to class and as I listened in class all that was going through my head was overflowing thoughts of worship and leading worship. It was as if God was giving me a glimpse of what He has planned for me to do. I can’t even express the excitement that I felt. I feel like I am experiencing living a life of worship to an extreme or seeing a glimpse of it and I long for that. Now as my day progressed I got to work and just felt joy running through my veins until all the sudden I received a phone call and a message from a dear friend. Both of which were very discouraging and it is as if the devil was so mad at what I was feeling that he took a ton of bricks and hit me with them. All that God was showing me the devil hated and so he distracted me. A friend called me to pray with me and that was just such and encouragement. I then decided to go home spend some time with some friends of mine that are pretty much family. During that time of reflection, laughter, and prayer God just took that ton of bricks that was distracting me and discouraging me and lifted it. God was there for me to help lift me up when I was down. He is always there and it just amazes me. Now that I look back at those things that were distracting me I see just road blocks that I can go around and work through because God has a plan. God has a plan for me and my life and I am excited to see and know what that is but I have to be patient that God will bring it at His timing. While I wait I plan to continue to lift and praise up the name of Jesus. The devil doesn’t like it when we are close to God and this week the devil has been trying to attack me but I am putting on the armor. I pray each morning for the shield of faith to repel all fiery darts that come my way, for the breast plate of righteousness to protect and guard my heart and leak his glory to all who I come in contact with. God be with me, mold me, and use me in however you see best fit Lord.

                As I close this rather long post I just want to Praise the name of Jesus for who He is and will always be. I am glad to be saved by the grace of Jesus Christ and it is through Him that I make it through each and every day. PRAISE GOD!