Saturday, June 4, 2011

Week one... well almost

I am just going to summarize what I typed for the past two hours before my blog deleted my post. It has been an incredible week of learning the true beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ and being able to work alongside a team that I can truly call my family. I would say everything that I said earlier again but I don't think I can retype what the Lord was speaking through me again because it was Him speaking through me not me speaking at all. We officially start camp this Monday in Moss Point, Mississippi. I can't wait to see how God uses us. Please be praying for all that He has in store. I will post again later this week. Thanks for keeping up with me and how God is using me this summer.

Please pray for our team and that God would continue to use us as well as the children coming next week that we will be able to minister them in a great way. Also I ask that you pray for good health as well as well as encouragement.

May God be glorified in everything I do and say this week. Lord you never cease to amaze me.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you are so at home with your Winshape team. That makes me so happy.

    Those campers in Moss Point are going to be so lucky to have you guys. What a life changing week for them. I am praying for all of you... your team and the campers.

    You guys take care of yourselves. Drink LOTS of water and try to get as much rest as you can.

    Love you! BIG Hugs!
