Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thank you Lord!

                Last Friday I drove to Kentucky to meet my family there to see my Pappaw because he was doing really badly. I was walked in the door of their house and saw how small and weak he had gotten it broke my heart. I needed a second to just break down and cry so I did so. We returned back here late Sunday night in hopes that my Pappaw would get to the end of next week. Yesterday morning we received the call that he passed. I am so blessed to have been able to see him a few days before and tell him how much I loved him and got to see my entire family which was great. May God be praised for the 89 years that my Pappaw lived on this earth and all he meant to my family, the community of Grayson Kentucky, and for fighting for our freedom during the war. I love you Pappaw and I am proud to be your grandson. (Jim Collier 1921-2011)


                180 weekend is just one week away and I am so excited for all that God has in store. As it approaches the fast is slowly coming to an end and yet I am not really looking forward to that because it has been so great to spend all this extra time in prayer. I plan to continue a fast but in a unique way and that is praising and thanking God every time I see Him working and for all that He has done for me. For He alone deserves all of the praise.


                I started my spring semester at Holmes on Wednesday and I am so excited for the classes I have and the teachers that I have this semester they are all so nice and I am just really blessed. It has been so incredible all that God has taught me during this time at Holmes Community College and all of the great friends I have made as well as people I have been able to share the word with. My prayer for this semester is that God will continue to use me at the school and that many will come to know him.


                I woke up at 5 am this morning from a dream that I received an acceptance letter from UOM( I have not received this yet waiting on god’s timing). I never wake up that early as well rested as I did today and I now see why. So as I walked to my car outside at 6:15 to head to school that early I was wondering to myself what in the world am I doing? I went and picked up some breakfast and got to class and as I listened in class all that was going through my head was overflowing thoughts of worship and leading worship. It was as if God was giving me a glimpse of what He has planned for me to do. I can’t even express the excitement that I felt. I feel like I am experiencing living a life of worship to an extreme or seeing a glimpse of it and I long for that. Now as my day progressed I got to work and just felt joy running through my veins until all the sudden I received a phone call and a message from a dear friend. Both of which were very discouraging and it is as if the devil was so mad at what I was feeling that he took a ton of bricks and hit me with them. All that God was showing me the devil hated and so he distracted me. A friend called me to pray with me and that was just such and encouragement. I then decided to go home spend some time with some friends of mine that are pretty much family. During that time of reflection, laughter, and prayer God just took that ton of bricks that was distracting me and discouraging me and lifted it. God was there for me to help lift me up when I was down. He is always there and it just amazes me. Now that I look back at those things that were distracting me I see just road blocks that I can go around and work through because God has a plan. God has a plan for me and my life and I am excited to see and know what that is but I have to be patient that God will bring it at His timing. While I wait I plan to continue to lift and praise up the name of Jesus. The devil doesn’t like it when we are close to God and this week the devil has been trying to attack me but I am putting on the armor. I pray each morning for the shield of faith to repel all fiery darts that come my way, for the breast plate of righteousness to protect and guard my heart and leak his glory to all who I come in contact with. God be with me, mold me, and use me in however you see best fit Lord.

                As I close this rather long post I just want to Praise the name of Jesus for who He is and will always be. I am glad to be saved by the grace of Jesus Christ and it is through Him that I make it through each and every day. PRAISE GOD!


1 comment:

  1. Oh yea! Take that devil! Our God is GREATER!

    Aaron, you keep praising Him and know that God's plan is even bigger than your dreams! And don't forget that we will be standing by your side as you prepare for your future and cheering you on as you achieve your dream.

    You are awesome! So excited about 180!
