Monday, January 24, 2011

I am 20..... WHAT?

                It has been a long time since I last posted and I am so sorry for that. I have been slammed packed with all kinds of things going on. Get ready, buckle up, and enjoy this long post.

                So exactly a week ago today marked the kick-off and ending of 180 weekend. This year I was blessed to have 6th grade boys. Now you’re probably thinking why would he want 6th grade boys? Well it wasn’t my first choice but it was God’s way of teaching me something incredible. Over the weekend we had loads of fun skits and even Justin Bieber came!!!! GASP! Ok… fine it was me. It was such a great time! The most important thing I learned over the weekend was patience and God taught me that I just have to be patient and wait on His timing and all He had in store for me. (Jeremiah 29:11) I was blessed with an incredible host home, and incredible students. I loved working with students because they have hearts that are ready to learn about Christ and always are interested in hearing new things each and every single day. The coolest thing that happened all weekend was on Sunday. We had a lot of great group time but on Sunday during the worship service I was given the opportunity to lead the song “Our God.” That song was song all weekend and to see over 130 middle school students singing their hearts out I really can’t explain. All I can say is I got to see God move in a unique way over the weekend and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. God is using the students of 180 weekend and its awesome! Not to mention the 40 day fast was incredible and I wouldn’t trade the time with the Lord for anything.

                Last Wednesday I called The University of Mobile to ask them a simple question about the Fall 2011 semester and when it began. As I spoke to my advisor I asked a few questions and then he said, “Aaron congratulations you have been accepted!” All that was rushing through my head was…. WHAT???? God taught me at 180 to be patient and the whole week I wasn’t worrying about the school and God just made everything work out. I am so excited for what God has planned for my life and I can barely hold back my excitement. Now I am fully trusting He will provide all the funding that I need to go to the school. It is so awesome to see how God works in His timing. It may seem stressful at times but if we fully rely and depend on Him then we wouldn’t be stressing or getting worried about the simple things.

                January 22nd 1991 the day I was born at midnight in the middle of a blizzard. Saturday was my 20th birthday. Little did I know that my friends, family, and church family had something up there sleeve. Paige, Hillery and Beverly  took me to eat at Chick-Fil-A. Then we went and ran some errands and ended back at the church. Now all week I have been asking my parents what we were doing for my birthday and didn’t get a single reply so it was kind of interesting to me. We got to the church and I saw the cars of a lot of people I knew. We walked into the gym and everyone screamed surprise! I didn’t know what to do… I was surprised even though it seemed like I knew I was surprised. Not only was it a great birthday it was greatest of all. I got to spend my birthday with friends, family, and my church family. What a blessing! I owe a big thank you to everyone that had something to do with the party. I also want to thank my parents and family that I love very much. I am so richly blessed to have a great church family at RidgeCrest and words can’t even begin to thank them all.

                As I leave behind my teenage years and move to adulthood I look back and think of all the incredible things God taught me. That also excites me to think about all that he is going to teach me here in the near future. I can't wait to look back again 20 years from now and just be amazed at how awesome and wonderful our God is and all that he continues to teach me.

                My prayer for this week is that God will continue to use me at RidgeCrest and that I will fully rely on Him and not stress and worry about the simple things because he is fully in control. I challenge everyone this week to spend 20 minutes just singing out praises to the Lord. If that means singing that you’re thankful for the food you have so be it. It is really cool to see how God can speak to us through the little things.

Have a great week! 

1 comment:

  1. When I think back to the week before 180 and how the devil tried to defeat you and now how the Lord has rewarded you abundantly because of your faithfulness... Our God is TRULY GREATER isn't He?!?

    You were such an awesome college leader for 180 weekend for ALL of our students. We are so lucky to have someone like you for our students to look up to and have to model their lives after. I am glad that my own boys have you to look at as they grow in their own faith.

    God is good all the time. All the time God is good!
