Tuesday, January 11, 2011


                So as most of you I am sure have heard Mississippi pretty much shut down this past weekend for a winter storm. Now when I say winter storm your thinking like a foot or two of snow people stuck inside…… Yea that didn’t happen here. It makes me smile to think we all freak out over the little things. Snow is such a beautiful thing and yes it can be very dangerous but it also can be just a simple beautiful thing. I will say the one plus to the winter storm was no school on Monday the downfall is we cancelled church and I really enjoy being with my church family on Sunday’s, so that was much missed.

                180 weekend is this week and I am so pumped to see all that God has in store for the students here at the church. So I ask one thing of you this week and that is to pray for what God has planned for this weekend and that we will follow the Lord and His direction for us.

                I heard something today that really caught my attention. A child’s dad here at our church was telling me about his son opening his Bible one day and saying, “Dad there sure is a lot of blood in this Bible.” Now you’re probably thinking…. WHAT? He was talking about the verses in bold read but I was thinking to myself that is so beautiful because it is true. God sent His son to die on the cross for us and we are to live by His word. In my opinion God’s blood is all over the book because its His guideline for us and what he wants for us to do with our lives. I know the next time I see bold red words in my Bible I am going to thank God for all that he has done for me and rejoice that He has saved me from all of my sins.

                Finally I want to leave you with this question for today. Do you speak about God and all he has done instead of just thanking him all the time? 


  1. The snow (more like ice) has shut everything down over here too. When I lived in Chicago, this would have been nothing at all! I guess, though, that the people here just aren't prepared with the right equipment for the roads. I agree with you--snow is beautiful :)

    In response to the question for the day: one of my favorite 'guides' to prayer is ACTS. Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication. In the adoration stage, you praise God for who He is. In the thanksgiving stage, you thank Him for what He is doing in your life or in the lives of those around you. I think it's a great way to focus prayer on God himself, and not just on His gifts.

  2. I really hated that we didn't have a complete Sunday of worship too.

    I wish we would have had some snow to justify all the shut downs this past Monday. I LOVE snow! It is so beautiful!

    180 weekend is almost here and I am even more excited than before. So excited you are our college leader.
