Monday, February 28, 2011


               Sorry for waiting a month to update but life has been pretty crazy but full of many blessings.
                I was able to go to another Visit Day at The University of Mobile on February 4th with my dad. Let me just say going back I felt a peace that I was home and that I was where God wanted me to be. I have never been on a college campus that is so excited for the Lord and where everyone is trying to help and better their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. During my visit day I had scheduled an audition with the CPA. As I waited for my audition a student from the school stopped and asked if they could pray for me and pray that God would just use me and calm my nerves. Now I found this to be just incredible. How many times does a student at a university come up to someone and pray for them? Words can’t even express how much that meant to me. I sang for Dr. Breeland and Mr. Lovely played piano for me. As I finished my last song Dr. Breeland asked me to come to his office. He said so many encouraging things and in a way helped me see that God was using me. I was given a scholarship for the choir which was such a blessing. Praise God! After we talked I went to the concert with my dad which had all the choral groups at the school. It was incredible and let me just say the entire trip was well worth the visit.
                At the beginning of January my dad asked me to look into a camp that a friend had mentioned to Him called WinShape. His friend said that he thought it would be a perfect fit for what God is calling me to do. So after thinking about it I decided to go check out the camps website. For awhile I have known what WinShape is because I have worked at Chick-Fil-A. So after thinking and talking to my parents and my music minister I decided to apply knowing that if God wanted me to have the job then it would be provided and if He didn’t then I would still be able to work with the students and worship ministry at RidgeCrest. I was praying during all of this time that He would just send me to where he wanted me and I would go. After turning everything in and having a Skype interview a week later I received a phone call. Now I normally don’t answer phone calls but in this case I did. The person asked if I was Aaron Collier and I said yes and asked if I still was interested in the position as a worship leader at a WinShape C3 camp. Let me just say I was beyond excited and said yes. God is so good to supply so many awesome opportunities. I can’t wait for this summer and how God is going to use this camp and all of us to shine his light to students. I have started praying for each person I will come across and be working with. Even though I have yet to meet them they are still my brothers and sisters in Christ and it excites me to work with them.
                I was given the opportunity last week to go to a worship conference in Texas with my music minister at Gateway church. I really enjoy going to conferences because I learn so many incredible things about worship. God is so good and deserves all the praise and as I sat with 800 other worship leaders with the same goal and ready to praise God with their everything it is just incredible. I can honestly say God truly taught me a lot at this conference and I plan to continue to live to be more like Him and one day lead His people in worship. The conference was great and I am so blessed to be saved by God’s grace.
                Can I just say the month of February over all has been full of many blessings and surprises. God tells us in scripture that if we follow Him and leave everything behind He will reward us. This month He has done more than that He has reassured and comforted me with His plan. He deserves all the glory, honor, and praise.

1 comment:

  1. I was just wondering the other day when you were going to post again!

    So excited about all the things that are unfolding in your life. The WinShape camp is going to be such an awesome experience for you and those campers are going to LOVE you as much as we all do!
