Sunday, December 26, 2010

Today Lord I stand

                What a blessing it is to be able to celebrate Christmas with my family. To all be together under one roof laughing, loving, and sharing good times together. Yesterday was Maria’s first Christmas since she has been home from China and it is always a fun time to have 3 little girls so excited about the gifts under the tree. The coolest thing I heard from my sister Laura was when she made a song. Her song wasn’t something that rhymed or even sounded great but it was something that had true meaning to it. She sang about how we get gifts on Christmas but how the real gift is Jesus and how she loved Him with all of her heart. This took me back for a second to see my little 7 year old sister worshipping God in her own way and I found it so beautiful. After opening all the gifts and eating a wonderfully prepared meal by my parents we sat and listened to Andrew (my oldest brother) read the Christmas story. It was such a wonderful day with the family and for celebrating the true meaning of CHRISTmas which is our Lord Jesus Christ.

                All week I have been preparing for today’s worship service and felt that God was bringing one song into my head every single day. That song, which is Glory in the Highest, has such beautiful/ wonderful lyrics. So I added the song and trusted that God would have complete control of it and help all the things to fall together. As I woke up this morning refreshed and ready to lead in worship I felt such a peace in my heart and all around me, a love and comfort that I have never experienced before of God just holding me up on stage and using me to lead His congregation is worship. As I looked out all I saw was the glory and majesty of Christ which made me smile and rejoice the whole time. As I walked off the stage and Bro. Phil came to preach I had a feeling that is hard to explain on where God wanted me. I have known for almost 2 years now that he has been calling me into ministry but I had no firm answer where he wanted me to be, to do, to go. I have been pursuing Worship Ministry because thats where I feel God has gifted me and was waiting on God to direct me to where he wanted me.This morning I received a confirmation from the Lord and I know for sure that God has called me to be a Worship Leader and to lead His church in worship. If He tells me to move I shall. I will follow you God!  Where you tell me to go I will go, where you tell me to stand I will stand, and whoever you tell me to love I will love Lord. Be praying for me as I continue to follow God’s direction and live my life for His glory until the end of my days.

                This is day 39 of no soft drinks, and day 20 of fasting for 180 weekend. I love the question that the devotional asked yesterday.  Are you growing or are you stuck because you are blind and nearsighted? As Christians I feel we should always be growing and never be satisfied with where we are. How many times though do we actually do a check-up on ourselves to see how we are doing, or having someone keeping us accountable? Do we challenge ourselves in the word or just challenge others? We are going to suffer as Christians and it says so in the Bible. It won’t be an easy path but the word promises that it is a path worth taking. I love what it says in 1 Peter 3:17-18; “For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.” He died for us so why don’t we serve Him and follow His commands for our life. I can honestly say that without God it would be impossible for me to make it through fasting. He is greatly helping me get through it each and every day.

                Finally something that I know is true to the word is that prayer works and if we call on the name of the Lord He will answer us in His timing. I wanted to end this post with saying that I am praying for everyone who reads this post. I may not know who you are but God does and that He will speak to you in an incredible way this week.

                 Here is a song I wrote that I feel God put on my heart to share.

I serve the Lord, I serve the King of glory now,
In this time of desperation Lord I’ll praise you in this nation.
I speak the truth, all I truly need is you.

Today Lord we stand, here in your hand
Help our eyes to see all your making us to be,
God we sing your our everything. 

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