Monday, December 20, 2010

Praise HIM!

          What an incredible week it has been. I can truly say that we serve a beautiful God. I love him so much.

            I have felt led this past month to give to different organizations. Now this may seem easy but when there isn’t the funding its kind of hard. But I still gave anyways knowing that God was going to provide all my needs. Now remember me saying the funding wasn’t there well God provided the funding that I needed as well as a bit more. How incredible! Our God supplies all of our needs and He is so beautiful.

            I am still waiting for an acceptance letter from The University Of Mobile, which I know if God wants me there He will be opening that door. The other night I had a dream that I received an acceptance letter. Now I am not saying I believe that dreams tell what is in store but I am saying that I think and know that God gives us signs in many different ways which is really cool. So I will just continue to wait on that letter with my head held high.

            Last week I was given the opportunity to hangout with the senior adult ministry and what a treat it was. I really enjoy so much hearing their incredible stories on what God has been teaching them as well as all that God has done in their lifetime. I also was able to go caroling with the Adult Choir, how incredible! It was awesome to get to just share the joy of Christ and Christmas to those who are unable to get out. It was such a great surprise for them as well as us. 

            Christmas is such an incredible time of year. A time of giving….. GIVING….. Speaking of Giving God gave the greatest gift of all, His son. What an incredible thing our Savior gave His son on the cross for our sins. So why don’t we thank Him this Christmas and worship our King with all of our heart and soul and adore Him.

            Finally… Day 33 of no soft drinks and Day 14 of fasting for 180 weekend. Like I said before fasting so far has been an incredible journey and I have really enjoyed all of the extra time with the Lord. This Sunday I have been asked to lead Sunday morning worship. I am so excited and can’t wait to see what God has in store. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! I can't wait for Sunday. You are such an incredible worship service leader.

    I don't know where God intends for you to go to college, but I do know God's promise is this...

    For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

    Where God sends you to college, He will provide and His plan is perfect!
