Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stay Amazed

                Christmas break is here! What an incredible week it has been for many reasons. Sunday was the Christmas program here at RidgeCrest. After months of preparing, praying, and learning music it was here. It is incredible to see how God just makes everything work out and how nothing is in our control. Just seeing the ballet dancers worship and our choir sing with all they had to the Lord and be a part of it was incredible. Giving our everything in a way of showing God how amazing He truly is. Words truly can’t describe how awesome it was. I know for me it was just refreshing to be able to be with my family of believers and worship. TRUE WORSHIP!
                As we tore the stage down yesterday and put everything back in its place where it was all back to normal I looked out at all the seats in the sanctuary and just cried tears of joy. Tears flowing from my face just amazed on how wonderful our God truly is. The one that never ever ceases to amaze Abba Father our creator. The one that never fails or leaves me. I just want to pour out my love for Him and just dance and sing in utter love for you Lord.
                I am still waiting to hear something from The University of Mobile. I normally would be worried and stressed about it but God has just given me a peace that he is in control and that He has a great plan for me.
                I really enjoy being able to get to know family’s that I haven’t talked to before because everyone has a unique story and from each of those stories I learn something new. I am so blessed to be able to get to know all kinds of new students as well.
                Finally….. Day 27 of no soft drinks and Day 8 fasting for 180 weekend. Fasting is more than just giving up something but spending that time with the Lord. I am enjoying spending much more time in the word and in prayer with my savior. 


  1. Sunday was such an amazing day of worship!

    I gave up soft drinks too and I haven't made it as long as you. It really hits me at certain points like when we eat popcorn. However, I am glad for the reminder.

    I can't wait to get your call saying you heard from the University of Mobile! God has an amazing plan for your life.

  2. i love reading these aaron!!!!!! =D (thisisdylanraybytheway!)


    by merry christmas bro!
