Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

                Thanksgiving  day makes me so thankful for all the family I have and what God has blessed me with. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It has been so long since I have been able to actually eat with my entire family back home, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. After dinner I went to my Aunts house where we all watched the Target Christmas ad’s. It was great to laugh for an hour at the funny commercials that were probably not as funny as I was portraying them to be.
So on Black Friday I was able to go shopping with my cousin Josh and his wife Tracy.  We went shopping for the community center here in Grayson, Kentucky. We embarked on our journey with $500 and a goal. We left with gifts for over 30 kids. It was such a great experience to be able to go and help some others. I would love to be able to give the gifts to the kids and share with them about Jesus Christ. How cool would that be? Following our journey we went to Shoney’s for the breakfast buffet, all I can say is man I miss living here haha. The rest of our Friday consisted of going to Ashland which is where we used to live. We went shopping for awhile there which was a blast. Finally I got to see my next door neighbor from when I was a kid and wow how she has changed. It makes me think how fast time just goes by. I miss the old days but at the same time it is so exciting all that God has taught me over the years.   
Today marks day 11 of no soft drinks. I have no desire at all to drink them and I am very glad that I have given them up. Water is rather good if I do say so myself.
So I have been without my phone all week here because I don’t have coverage.  I am really glad that I haven’t had my cell phone because phones are such a distraction and make it very hard to just spend some quiet time alone. My goal for this week was to just spend a week in God’s word deep in it away from the distractions back home. Every night I pulled out my Bible, journal, and an open mind willing to just do something out of the norm. As I read I just spent time praying that God would use the scripture to teach me something new and help me learn in a way that would help exalt Him. As I was able to sit in a little twin size bed I just sang praises to God. Singing scripture is something that someone mentioned to me and it is a great way to just connect with the word and what is going on. I really enjoyed this time and plan to continue doing this every night.
Tomorrow we are headed home in our one vehicle for 12 hours. This will end our Thanksgiving break in Kentucky. I had a great time here but I am ready to be back. What a great Thanksgiving break!

1 comment:

  1. Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful. Don't you love being able to go and visit people that you love?
