Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Eve

This year my whole family is in Kentucky to have Thanksgiving with our whole family. I am very excited to be here and get to be with my whole family which I haven't been able to do in awhile. After a long car ride we made it and I am so thankful to be here. I can honestly say I love having a big family because there is never a boring moment. Thanks to God for giving me such an incredible family.
I finished my application for The University Of Mobile. This is where I truly feel God is directing me and its not easy to get up and leave, but if that is His plan then I shall follow. All I am waiting for is to get an acceptance letter saying Aaron Collier you are accepted. This is probably one of the most nerve wrecking things that just makes me worry even though I shouldn’t. Now funding…. $23,000 dollars a year to attend school is a lot of money. I am unable to afford that, so I need to completely trust that since this is where God is calling me, he will provide all the funding I need. So this week I have been asking the Lord to take my worry and anxiety away and just fully trust and know that God is and will always be in control. I am praying that whatever God has planned for my life and I will follow and obey. I praise Him and for all he has done for me.
Two weeks ago I was given the opportunity to go to a worship conference called “Glorious” Seminars4Worship. This was the conference I have been to since God has called me into ministry, so you can just imagine how excited I truly was. As Greg and I traveled to Mobile I can truly say that I was so excited for what God had in store for the time that we were there. The worship leaders were Paul Baloche, Kathryn Scott, and Brian Doerksen. These three Worship leaders had the most sincere hearts and love for Jesus Christ and it was evident in everything they did and said. Now it is pretty incredible to be in a room with over 100 other worship leaders all worshipping our creator as one body. You could just feel the Holy Spirit surrounding the room and all of Cottage Hill Baptist Church. I learned how to be an effective worship leader and how to lead a worship team that is in love with Jesus Christ. I was so thankful to be able to go and be discipled more on the direction God is taking me.

It is official day 8 of no soft drinks. I can honestly say I am sleeping much better than I have in over a year. I am not getting headaches anymore from caffeine withdraws which is good and I can tell that my body is starting to get the hang of things.

I want to end this blog with a scripture I read today. John 6:35  “Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”

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