Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 17th

           I woke up this morning with an awful headache. This is one of the symptoms of day 3 of water only. I have decided to cut out soft drinks and drinks with a high sugar level all together and stick with water. This is going to be a pretty rough journey but I am in for the challenge.
           School is almost finished one more day until Thanksgiving Break begins and I can’t even begin to tell you how much it is needed and how excited I am about it.  I also just think I am ready to transfer schools even though I still have one semester left I will make the best of it. The cool part about being at Holmes is how God has opened doors and showed me possibilities that I cant even begin to describe.
          God is so good! Yes it may have not been the best day but the smallest things just seem to brighten my day. For instance someone walked up to me today and said “You Rock”! Now I didn’t want to be like I know because to be honest the only one that rocks is our Lord Jesus Christ. Truth be told after that person said that it made me smile. See the little things can make a big difference in someones day. 

As I sit here in my office and listen to lyrics like O Holy God I stay amazed, You are so much more than words could ever say. O Holy God I pour out my praise, on the one who never ceases to amaze me. Now what they are saying in the chorus of this song is “Hey God your beautiful, I love you, thank you. They are proclaiming Jesus and thanking Him even more than the words they are able to say. How many times a day do we sit down and say “Hey God I stay amazed in how awesome you are?” I mean really think about it… The God that made the universe! He loves us and cared enough to send His son to die for us. So why aren’t we giving him hours of our day praising His name and thanking him for all he has done? I know that I serve an indescribable God that’s beauty is radiant. I love him so.
           It is so relaxing so just sit and dwell in God’s word. This day has been a blessing and I am excited for what God has in store for tomorrow. 

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