Monday, May 30, 2011

Hey from Staff Training!

                The journey has begun here at staff training and it's going incredible. God has been teaching me so many things this week. It has and still is super nice to be without a computer and cell phone this week. I will get all communication tools back on Thursday. I would like to ask that you continue to pray for our team as we prepare to go minister to hundreds of kids in Moss Point Mississippi a week from today. I will be posting a more detailed blog post when I get my computer back. Hope everyone is well and thanks for all the love and support.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Here we go!

Here we go! Less than 8 hours now til I leave for the summer with WinShape Camps C3. I will be traveling over 5 states this summer and will be gone for 74 days. It is going to be an incredible adventure, and I can’t wait to share with each of you all that God does in my life during this summer. Please pray this week that I will trust in God to have everything work out. Also please pray for the WinShape staff. I will update again soon but until then. God Bless!

Friday, May 20, 2011

5 days away!

These past few weeks have been some of the most exciting, tough, and rewarding weeks of my life. From making incredible grades this semester at school to receiving many blessings that I cant explain all I can say is it's really incredible to seee God work.

The week of exams I was asked to come outside because a group of middle schoolers and parents at our church needed to "ask me me a question." Little did I know they had a trick up there sleeve. A few weeks prior to that I had been talking to my parents about getting an IPad for this summer because it would be so useful and well worth the investment but decided not to so I could save funding for school. Well you see that group that called me out didn't have a question for me but a gift. They handed me a box.... Now when I received this box I was thinking they had something silly in it but I opened it and within that box was another box which was wrapped. I opened that wrapped box and within it was an IPad 2 with a smart cover and a note that said; " Aaron thanks for all you do we love you." At the time I didn't know how to reply I was so overwhelmed and thankful for this gift. It's really cool to see how God works in incredible ways. I want to thank each and every one of them for this gift. Don't worry it will be used.

As I have been preparing for The University of Mobile I have been that God would supply the funding needed to go to school there because I know without a doubt in my mind that He wants me there. It's so incredible to see God work because He is supplying that funding needed in different ways. For instance I had someone tell me they are paying my textbooks and just different people giving money because they truly believe the Lord wants them to. I can honestly say this always brings tears to my eyes because it's so incredible to see God provide. Now I haven't reached my goal yet on what I will need but I am honestly not worried and trusting that our cretor will supply all of my needs according to His plan.

This past Wednesday was my going away party at RidgeCrest. When I say that I am going away I don't mean forever. What I am saying is I am headed off to a mission field that God is sending me too and I will be returning. It was really incredible to see so many people come and just show love and wish me off to become the man that God has called me to be. If you know me you know that I truly have a heart for helping others and that I would give everything I had to see someone come to know Jesus. The past 11 years as a member at RidgeCrest and year and a half on staff have been such a blessing. I have learned so much from the adults, students, and children. Each of you have impacted my life in a way I will never forget because I love each and every one of you. At the party it was great to be able to say thanks for all that everyone has done for me. To my surprise the choir had raised money to help support me at college as well as many others had given money for my journey. When this happened I just lost it. To think all I was doing was my job being a follower of Christ and being a good steward of what He has entrusted me with. I can just say thank you from the bottum of my heart and that I cant even describe how much it means to me that you all have such giving, loving, encouraging hearts after the Lord.

WinShape Camps C3- 5 Days
The countdown is at less than a week now and I am prepaing for all that God had in store for this summer. I am so excited! I have been learning all the lessons, my skill, and all the music we will be doing at worship. I can honestly say I am pumped for what God has in store and can't wait to see His name lifted up above all others and lives chnaged, hearts made new seeing that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. This summer is going to be great!

Prayer Needs:
1.) Please pray for WinShape Camps (Staff,Campers,Communities)
2.) Please pray for me as I finish preparing everything for this summer and that I would stay encouraged in God's word.
3.) Pray for Physical Health
4.) Pray that the Holy Spirit would begin to prepare the hearts of the people in each of these communities.
5.) Traveling grace
6.) Growth of the Spiritual Seeds that will be planted

Thanks for everything!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Exam Week

I am planning to post a blog post updating on everything that has been going on the beginning of next week. It has been rather crazy with school finishing up and exams starting which is the reason behind me not posting much. I would like to ask this week if you would be in prayer for me as I take my exams and that everything I study and have prepared for will come to my memory. Pray for WinShape Camps C3 Blue Team and all that God has in store for this summer. Thanks for everyone that is following this blog and I look forward to posting an exciting post next week. Have a blessed week/weekend.
